The Witches of Puddlemud Lane follows the adventures of ten-year-old Amanda who is desperate to be ‘magical’, and who ropes her best friend, Jasmine, into her new coven. When the local pets start going missing and the strange new girl, Zelda seems to have something to do with it, Amanda and Jasmine discover a real witch is living in their neighbourhood, and he might just be able to teach them the magical skills they’ll need to rescue the pets before it’s too late.
An ideal fun read for P4-P7/Y4-Y6 teaching all about friendship and the importance of not making assumptions based on first impressions. Find out more on the Twinkl website HERE
The Witches of Puddlemud Lane follows the adventures of ten-year-old Amanda who is desperate to be ‘magical’, and who ropes her best friend, Jasmine, into her new coven. When the local pets start going missing and the strange new girl, Zelda seems to have something to do with it, Amanda and Jasmine discover a real witch is living in their neighbourhood, and he might just be able to teach them the magical skills they’ll need to rescue the pets before it’s too late.
An ideal fun read for P4-P7/Y4-Y6 teaching all about friendship and the importance of not making assumptions based on first impressions. Find out more on the Twinkl website HERE